Please note we won’t be able to post any orders between Thursday 20th - Sunday 23rd February
Jules Verne - Cinq Semaines [1863] First Edition, Private Note
Frederick Cowles - The Horror of Abbot’s Grange and Other Stories, Muller 1936, 1st Edition with Original Dust Jacket
William Hope Hodgson - The Ghost Pirates, Stanley Paul & Co 1909, London, 1st Edition
Sir Gilbert Campbell, Wild and Weird Tales of Imagination and Mystery, Ward, Lock and Co.,1889
Bram Stoker - Dracula's Guest & Other Weird Stories, George Routledge, 1914, First Edition
Bram Stoker - The Snake's Pass, Sampson Low, 1891, First Edition
Margaret Irwin-Madame Fears the Dark, Chatto & Windus 1935, 1st in Dust Jacket and Signed
Bram Stoker - The Shoulder of Shasta, Archibald Constable, 1895, First Edition
Bram Stoker - Dracula's Guest And Other Weird Stories, George Routledge, 1914
R T Gould - The Loch Ness Monster & Others, Geoffrey Bles, 1934, Signed
Conan Doyle-The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes & The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Richard Marsh - The Beetle, A Mystery, G. P. Putnam's Sons 1917
Oliver Onions - Widdershins, Martin Secker, 1911, 1st Edition
Robert Benson - The Light Invisible, Isbister, London, 1903, First Edition, Inscribed by the Author
R H Malden -Nine Ghosts x 2, Edward Arnold, 1943, 1st Edition, Presentation Copies, Limited
Anthony Trollope - Harry Heathcote of Gangoil, Sampson Low, 1874
Tales of Fear A Collection of Uneasy Tales, Creeps Series Philip Allen 1935, 1st
Thea Von Harbou - Metropolis, Readers Library, 1927
Mrs Molesworth - Four Ghost Stories, MacMillan and Co 1888, 1st Edition
F M Mayor - The Room Opposite And Other Tales Of Mystery And Imagination, Longmans, 1935, 1st Edition
J K Rowling - Harry Potter Gift Set, Bloomsbury 1997 & 1998, First Edition's in Slip Case
L A G Strong -Doyle's Rock & other stories, Basil Blackwell, 1925, First Edition, Inscribed, Signed
Michael Arlen - Ghost Stories, Collins, no date
Elliott O'Donnell - Monsters A Collection of Uneasy Tales, Philip Allan, 1934
Christine Campbell Thomson - Gruesome Cargoes, Selwyn & Blount, Feb 1930 Book 4
Ray Bradbury - Dark Carnival, Hamish Hamilton 1948, 1st Edition
Gertrude Warden - The Haunted House at Kew, William Stevens, 1893? First Edition
Tales of Fear A Collection of Uneasy Tales, Philip Allan, 1935
Monsters - A Collection of Uneasy Tales, Philip Allan, 1934
Christine Campbell Thomson - Keep on the Light, Selwyn & Blount,Not At Night Book 9
W James Wintle - Ghost Gleams, Heath Cranton, 1921, Original Copy
Bram Stoker - The Jewel of Seven Stars, Heinemann, 1903, First Edition
Arthur Row, Researches into the Unknown, Stockwell, 1936, First Edition, Signed and Inscribed.
Gaston Leroux - The Burgled Heart, John Long, 1925
John Metcalfe - Foster-Girl, Constable & Co Ltd, 1936, 1st Edition
Thomas Ligotti & Brandon Trenz - Crampton: A Screenplay, Durtro Press 2002, 1st Edition with CD The Unholy City