Please note we won’t be able to post any new orders until 2nd January.
Films and Filming Magazine February 1986
Films and Filming Magazine April 1986
Films and Filming Magazine May 1986
Films and Filming Magazine June 1986
F Maurice Speed - Film Review 1979-1980, W H Allen, 1979
David Frost - The Americans, Coronet Books, 1972, Paperbacks
Edmund V Corbett - Librarianship, Sunday Times Career Books, 1961
M R James - Collected Ghost Stories, Wordsworth, 1995, Paperbacks
Robert Harborough Sherard - Life, Work & Evil Fate of Guy de Maupassant, Werner Laurie, 1926
Roger Elwood - Monster Tales, Vampires, Werewolves, & Things, Rand McNally, 1977
J C Trewin - Benson and The Bensonians, Barrie & Rockliff, 1960
Reginald Pound - The Strand Magazine, Heinemann, 1966
Eric Gill - An essay on typography, J M Dent, 1939
D Rose - A Popular History of Rome, Ward Lock & Co. 1886
Neil Bell - Life Comes To Seathorpe, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1946, First Edition
John Wyndham - The Day of the Triffids, Penguin Books, 2000, Paperbacks
Stephen Gallagher - Valley of Lights, New English Library, 1988, Paperbacks
Nelson Browne - Sheridan Le Fanu, Arthur Barker, 1951
Percy Dearmer - Everyman's History of the English Church, A R Mowbray, 1909
Arthur Machen - Holy Terrors, Penguin Books, 1946, Paperbacks
Evelyn March-Phillipps - Lanoe Falconer, Nisbet & Co. 1915
Jasper Rose - Lucy Boston, Bodley Head Monograph, 1965, First Edition
Victoria Mather - The Appalling Guests, John Murray, 2003
Ria Niccoli - Joan Collins, 66 Magazine
William Smith - A Dictionary of The Bible, John C Winston Company, 1884
David Will - Roger Corman, the millennic vision, Edinburgh Film Festival 70
H G Wells - Selected Short Stories, Penguin Books, 1962, Paperbacks
Ask The Family, BBC, 1971, Paperbacks
Gary Wolfe - Science Fiction Dialogues, Academy Chicago, 1982
Film Favourites Birthday Autograph Album, no date or publisher
Robert Neill - The Devil's Door, Hutchinson, 1979, First Edition
London Mystery Selection Volume 30 Number 122 September 1979, Paperbacks
London Mystery Selection Volume 30 Number 121 June 1979, Paperbacks
London Mystery Selection Volume 30 Number 123 December 1979, Paperbacks
London Mystery Selection Volume 30 Number 124 March 1980, Paperbacks
London Mystery Selection Volume 32 Number 129 June 1981, Paperbacks
Shelley Silas - 12 Days, Virago, 2004, Signed x 12
Gary J Svehia - Midnight Marquee Issue 38 Spring 1989
Gary J Svehia - Midnight Marquee Issue 35 Fall 1986
Gary J Svehia - Midnight Marquee Issue 32 Fall 1983, 20th Anniversary Issue