Anthony Berkeley - Missing from Their Homes, Hutchinson, Fifth Impression
Christopher Winn - I Never Knew That About Yorkshire, Ebury Press, 2010
Vanishing Yorkshire, The Dales, Dalesman Books, 1990, Paperbacks
Michael Palin - Sahara, Phoenix Books, 2003, Paperbacks
Giles Milton - Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, John Murray, 2017, Paperbacks
Allen J Hubin - The Bibliography of Crime Fiction 1749-1975, Del Mar, 1979
R J Unstead - From Cavemen to Vikings, A & C Black, no date
Max Arthur - Last Post, Phoenix, 2006, Paperbacks
Whiteley Turner - A Spring-Time Saunter, Rigg Publication, 1991, Paperbacks
Yorkshire from the Air, Island Books, 1989
David Ray - The Western Front, A Pictorial History, Caxton Editions, 2001
Maureen Anderson - Yorkshire Coastal Memories, Frith Book Co. 2002
Hugh Johnson & Jancis Robinson - The World Atlas of Wine, Mitchell Beazley, 2007
R J Cootes - The Making of the Welfare State, Longmans, 1966, Paperbacks
Richard 'Pitch' Picciotto - Last Man Down, Orion Books, 2002
Billy Connolly - Rambling Man, My Life on the Road, Two Roads, 2023
Gervase Phinn - Road to the Dales, Michael Joseph, 2010
W R Mitchell - Yorkshire Humour, Robert Hale, 1996, Paperbacks
Country Lover's Companion, Chancellor Press, 2003
Azriel Eisenberg & D P Elkins - Worlds Lost and Found, Abelard Schuman, 1964
Frank Gardner - Blood & Sand, Bantam Books, 2007, Paperbacks
English History Book II, W & R Chambers, 1898
Liz Butler & Michael Chinery - The Seasons, Collins, 1982
Arminius Vambery: His Life and Adventures, Written by Himself, T. Fisher Unwin, Sixth Popular Edition.
J P A Long - Genealogical Handbook of English History, Tenth Edition
Animal Management 1923, The War Office
John G Neihardt - Black Elk Speaks, Bison Books, 1993, Paperbacks
Craig Weatherhill - Cornovia, Ancient Sites of Cornwall & Scilly, Alison Hodge, 1989
Martyn Brown - Britain On Country Roads, Automobile Association, 1991
Allen Paterson - The History of the Rose, Collins, 1983
John Potter - Yorkshire Dales Panoramas, Myriad Books, 2006
Gordon Winter - The Country Life Picture Book of Britain, 1978
Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything, Black Swan, 2004, Paperbacks
Lyn Macdonald - Somme, Penguin Books, 1993, Paperbacks
Phillip Bacon - North America Book 1, Golden Press, 1960
Junior World Encyclopaedia, Book 1, Sampson Low, 1960
Lincoln Barnett - The World We Live In, Collins, 1957
Philip's Atlas of the World, Chancellor Press, 1999
Bridget Hadaway - The Bible for Children, Cathay Books, 1973
Malcolm Falkus - Historical Atlas of Britain, Book Club, 1981