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Robert Graves - The Greek Myths Volume 1 & 2, Penguin, 1955, Paperbacks
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W Raymond Drake - Gods & Spacemen in the Ancient West, Sphere, 1974, 1st GB Edition
John E C Bodley - The Coronation of Edward the Seventh, Methuen, 1903
Louis Felberman - The House of Teck, John Long, 1911, First Edition
Francis H Palmer - Austrian Life in Town & Country, George Newnes, 1904
L Sprague de Camp & Catherine - Citadels of Mystery, Fontana/Collins, 1979, Paperbacks
Lawrence David Kusche - The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved, 1975, First Edition
Richard Winer - From The Devil's Triangle To The Devil's Jaw, Bantam, 1977, Paperbacks
James Cornell - Where Did They Go? Cornell, Scholastic Book, 1976, First Edition
Harold Ingrams - Seven Across the Sahara, Travel Book Club, 1950
Robert Scrutton - The Other Atlantis, First Sphere Books Edition, 1979, Paperbacks
Rupert Furneaux -The Tungus Event The Great Siberian Catastrophe 1908, Panther, 1977
Renee Taylor - Hunza Health Secrets for Long Life and Happiness, Tandem Books, 1964
R J Percy - Scarborough A Pictorial History, Phillimore, 1995
F Spencer Chapman - The Jungle is Neutral, Chatto & Windus, 1949
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Peter Haining - Ancient Mysteries, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1977, First Edition
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Rupert Furneaux - Myth And Mystery, Allan Wingate, 1955
Henry Thorold - A Shell Guide-Nottinghamshire, Faber & Faber, 1984, First Edition
Lewis Spence - The Myths of the North American Indians, Harrap, 1916, First Edition
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A Henry Savage-Landor - Across Unknown South America, Volume II, Hodder, 1913
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Sven Hedin - With The German Armies In The West, John Lane, 1915?
Lewis Spence-The Problem of Lemuria-Sunken Continent of the Pacific, Rider & Co, 1932
Noel Boston & Eric Puddy - Dereham-Biography of a Country Town, Coleby, 1952, Signed
Norman E Hickin - African Notebook notes of a biologist, Hutchinson, 1969, First Edition
E R Suffling - The Fur Traders of the West, Frederick Warne, 1896
Arthur Weigall - A Short History Of Ancient Egypt, Chapman & Hall, 1934
Peter Fleming - Travels In Tartary, The Reprint Society, 1941
Nikolai Mikhailov - Across The Map Of The USSR, Foreign Languages Publishing, 1950
John Buchan - The Last Secrets-The Final Mysteries of Exploration, Thomas Nelson, 1923
Martyn Goff - Victorian and Edwardian Surrey, B T Batsford, 1972, First Edition