Please note we won’t be able to post any new orders until 2nd January.
John Pudney - The Smallest Room, Michael Joseph, 1954, First Edition
Stan Gooch - Guardians of the Ancient Wisdom, Wildwood House, 2000
Rachel Bromwich - The Arthur of The Welsh, Cardiff University of Wales, 1999
Barbara G Walker - The Secrets of the Tarot, Harper & Row, 1984, Paperbacks
Kenneth Hudson - The Good Museums Guide, Macmillan, 1980
William Andrews - Ecclesiastical Curiosities, William Andrews & Co, 1899
Josef Klepesta - Constellations, Paul Hamlyn, 1969, A Concise Guide in Colour
Agnes Allen - The Story of Sculpture, Faber & Faber, 1958
Eric L Fitch - In Search of Herne the Hunter, Capall Bann Publishing, 1994
Arthur Mee's Birmingham, St Hugh's Press, no date
The War Illustrated Number 19, 26 December 1914, Christmas Number
Bryan & Polly Sentance - Craft Traditions of the World, Thames & Hudson, 2009
Y Deslandres - 5.000 Years d'Elegance, Hachette, French Edition
Robert Kershaw - It Never Snows in September, Ian Allan, 2009, Paperbacks
Victory in the Desert Volume 1 Number 15 1967, History of the Second World War
A 25th Anniversary Pictorial Presentation of the Second World War, George Newnes, 1964
M H Gayer - The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race, no date
Louis James - Print and The People 1819-1851, Allen Lane, 1976, First Edition
Denis Judd - Eclipse of Kings, European Monarchies, Stein & Day, 1976, First US Edition
Jane Lucas - Mother Nature's Water Creatures, Frederick Warne, 1953
Edward M Weyer - Strangest Creatures on Earth, George G Harrap, 1955, First Edition
N Bradfield - Historical Costumes of England 1066-1968, George G Harrap, 1968
Anne Buck - Dress in Eighteenth-Century England, B T Batsford, 1979
Hans L C Jaffe - The Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries, Thames & Hudson, 1969
Claude Auchinleck - The Tiger Kills, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1944
Nicholas Bethell - The Last Secret, Futura, 1976, Paperbacks
Princess Marie Louise - My Memories of Six Reigns, Penguin Books, 1959, Paperbacks
Major-General G L Verney - The Desert Rats, Hutchinson, 1954
Sergeant R W Morris - Royal Artillery 121 Field Medium Regiment 1939-1946
T Rowlandson & A C Pugin - The Microcosm of London, King Penguin, 1943
Alexander Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago, Collins, 1974, Paperbacks
Rodney Castleden - Kings and Queens of Britain, Mustard, 1999
Ken Coates & Richard Silburn - Poverty: The Forgotten Englishmen, Penguin, 1970 Paperbacks
Cynthia & Tony Reavell - E F Benson, Martello Bookshop, 1984
L G Pine - The Middle Sea, Edward Stanford, 1950
A W Reed - Myths and Legends of Maoriland, George Allen, 1950
Daniel Farson - A Window on the Sea, Quality Club, 1979
Jack Hallam - Ghosts of the North, David & Charles, 1976, First Edition
L T C Rolt - Landscape with Canals, Allen Lane, 1978
J Augusta - Prehistoric Animals, Spring Books, no date